Sunday, June 28, 2009

BET Awards 09: Janet Speaks On Michael

Sadly, the best part of the 2009 BET Awards was actually its saddest part! Near the end of the program they've had Janet Jackson come out on behalf of the Jackson family and speak on how the family is coping and showing respect for her brother, Michael. Janet was completely shaken, and you could visibly see the pain she was going through. You could tell how close they were as siblings, and the moment was very touching.

While it was a very sad moment to see Janet like this, it was great to hear from her and hear her respects and strength she is holding for her family, in their time of need. Rest In Peace Michael Jackson, and to his family, you are in many peoples thoughts.

I must admit, as she was first being walked out by Jamie Foxx, I definitely thought she was Diana Ross.

1 comment:

  1. like i said before. she shouldnt have spoken. its a time for mourning....
