Wednesday, October 17, 2012

VW Jetta Key Stuck In Ignition Problem [Solved]!

So I am not a part of one of those car blogging problem/answer sites so I figured I'd blog about my findings so that I could potential help another Google or Internet user who found themselves in the same trouble I was in.

So I came home from work and atemped to turn of my 2000-2005 style VW Jetta.  Only to find the key would NOT release from the off position. Eeeeeek, I was panicking because I work the next few days. Don't wanna miss out on hours and spend a fortune!

To make a long story short, I tried various things people on Google searches sites said to do.  Didn't work.  BUT with the idea of a friend from back home along with help from my sister, combined with the idea of a Google search.  ALL was fixed!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Music [Well Sort Of]: Enrique Iglesias & Jennifer Lopez "Mouth2Mouth"

After his re-emergence to the Pop music scene back in 2010 thanks to hits featuring Pitbull ["I Like It"] and Ludacris ["Tonight (I'm Fuckin' You)"] who else could Enrique Iglesias have worked with to continue his string of perfectly crafted Pop hits?  No one else but the queen of Latin Dance Pop music, Jennifer Lopez, is who! Check out their somewhat new* song "Mouth2Mouth" below!

Who Should The X Factor US Panel Cast?

Seeing as how X Factor US has seen nearly all of the staring panelist/cast fired... The question arises, who should replace Steve Jones as host, and Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger as judges/mentors?  But first, lets take a look at some names that have been floating around who probably should not become a part of the singing competition's panel.

Anybody who currently is experiencing the height of their popularity, should all be ruled out.  There is no need to risk joining the show and stopping your current streak.  So that takes out artists like Katy Perry (who although would be a great judge-she's currently way too successful), Rihanna (way too young to be tied down to a show that could affect her top of the pops standing), and even Beyonce (though her music career is sagging, she is still in her prime). Now for those who'd make great X Factor Judges!

The X Factor US Panelist Massacre!

So after a super lukewarm debut season, of The X Factor US, Simon Cowel decided to make some major changes.  Apparently Cowel wasn't as OK with the average 12 million weekly audience, as he led on.  Prior to the shows debut, Cowel actually had hopes for the show to have ratings in the 20 million range.  Well that did not happen.

So Cowel has decided to let go not one or two, but three members of the starring staff, so far!  It doesn't seem too surprising that the host, Steve Jones got the boot.  After all throughout the entire season Jones struggled to show any sympathy to exiting contestants [remember after Lakoda Rayne was voted off, he responded with: how does it feel now that your dreams are over?], being really stiff, and repeatedly cutting off the judges critiques in a rude manner. 

Next up on the chopping block, no one other than the former supposed to be co-host, turned Cheryl Cole replacement judge Nicole Scherzinger.  After all, why was Scherzinger a judge in the first place?  Seriously on paper her only true successes includes her short lived stint as the PussyCat Dolls only lead singer.  Her solo career has never been able to take off in the U.S.  And if we're counting X Factor US marks Scherzinger's 4th competition reality show [Pop Stars, Dancing With The Stars, The Sing Off, X Factor US]. 

Now for the final and probably most shocking one other than Cowel's former American Idol co-panelist Paula Abdul!  Seems kind of odd right, Simon did bring her onto the X Factor in the first place.  My guess as to why she left...  Bringing back the old Idol chemistry they had, that viewers loved-simply wasn't there like it used to be.  Though Cowel has openly stated he will soon work again with Abdul in the future.  So at least she is leaving on good terms with him, or is she?

That leaves only Simon and L.A. Reid as judge.  Wondering why Reid didn't get the boot?  Well Reid did recently become the new A&R of the restructured Epic Records, so who knows... maybe Cowel sees Reid's appointment at Epic Records as another option for X Factor contestants to potentially get signed to.  That's smart!

Guess the early on replaced Cheryl Cole may have had the last laugh... seeing as how her replacement was fired-she obviously didn't out perform her!

What did you think of the firings?  post comments below!