Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deserving Candidate Gets Elected 44th President

What a conclusion to this long awaited race for presidency has brought us. Who would have thought that in the year of 2008, an African American man would get elected as our 44th president of the United States of America? Feelings of happiness, excitement, enjoyment are among the few feeling currently going through so many proud Americans who’ve taken notice of a person deserving of such an outstanding honor.

Senator Barack Obama, currently known as the Presidential-elect, Obama, definitely has walked through this long battle and came out with a graceful win. By overcoming Hilary Clinton for the democratic nomination the defeat of John McCain and his campaign he’s defining a moment not only in his life, but in the life of our nation, and for everyone to witness.

Obama will not only be remembered for his courageous journey of becoming the first African American or Black president, but his powerful speeches, respectable manners, and overall character will be remembered and forever praised by many for years to come.

Though it may be sad that Obama’s grandmother didn’t get to see physically view her grandson’s presidential-elect, like many others even including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and personal family members of ours get to spiritually see the accomplishment and all of what’s to come.

Congratulations to all who’ve made this possible. Yes We Can! Because we did!

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